Welcome to St Vincent's Pre-school and Out of School Club
Manor Park South, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 8AL Tel: 01565 651948
We have places available for 3 and 4 year olds entitled to the 15 hours a week of Universal Funding or 30 hours a week of Extended Funding.
We also have places for 2 year olds entitled to the 15 hours a week of the Targeted and Working Parents Entitlement 2 Year Old Funding.
St Vincent’s Pre-school Holiday Club
St Vincent’s Holiday Club operates outside the normal term times, running in selected holidays only. This does not include any Bank Holidays or Inset Days. Parents will be informed in September for the coming years planned operating days. We plan to open 47 weeks if there is sufficient demand, we are closed for Christmas and the last 2 weeks of the August holiday.
We are able to offer visits to the Setting for prospective parents and their children. Please give us a call on 01565 651948 to make an appointment, we would love to show you around.
Mission Statement
Our Pre-school is a Voluntary Setting supported by a board of committee members, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and expect all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.
Our focus is to ensure that every child is offered equal opportunities to be able to grow within our Setting as individuals. We aim to offer a relaxed, welcoming and enriched environment which supports children ‘s desires to explore and discover as they learn and develop.
Our Vision
Children to grow as individuals whilst having fun, making friends, building trusting relationships within our St Vincent’s family, enabling children to feel loved and supported
Our Ethos
Your physical potential is limitless
You have a voice
Have a strong sense of self and well-being
Embrace a love of the outdoors
Being an advocate for your own learning
An appreciation of your senses
Develop a love of literature
Experience your creative potential
Begin to understand you are part of a wider world